Minutes towards all
25 GB
Unlimited international
Minutes to Digi
5€ / month
+10€ shipping

Activation, Deactivation, Cost Control



Activate your Digi offer in one of the following ways:

Dial *146#: access the menu Offers for you, choose your preferred option and activate it by selecting Activate 

Online from Mio Conto Digi: access the menu Offerte, choose your preferred option and activate it

In all Digi stores across Italy: find your nearest and ask for the activation of your preferred option

Call our Customer Service at 4077 (from Digi network) or 3533004077 (from another italian mobile network)




Deactivate your Digi offer in one of the following ways:

Dial*146#: access the menu My Account, select Active Options, choose your option and deactivate it
Call our Customer Service at 4077 (from Digi network) or 3533004077 (from another italian mobile network)


You can deactivate an offer whenever you want, however, it will be deactivated permanently only after its expiration date. If you don’t have enough credit at the moment of the renewal, it will be deactivated automatically. 



Verifica credito

Dial*147#: to see on screen your credit, option validity, voice and data traffic available

Dial*146#: access the menu My Account, select Credit check