
Here you can check the area codes for your national and international calls of both landline and mobile numbers.

Choose the country you want to call and check the area codes you need. Calls towards these areas will be charged according to the standard rates listed here.
Moreover, you can check whether the mentioned area codes are included in our voice offers. If so, you will enjoy the minutes included in the offer to call those numbers.

Choose a country and check area codes:

Landline Mobile Other
Included: Yes Included: No Included: No
1204 1226 1236 1249 1289 1306 1343 1403 1416 1418 1431 1437 1438 1450 1506 1514 1519 1579 1581 1587 1600 1604 1613 1639 1647 1705 1709 1778 1780 1807 1819 1873 1902 1905 1257 1263 1273 1354 1365 1367 1368 1382 1387 1428 1460 1468 1474 1487 1537 1548 1568 1584 1672 1683 1742 1753 1825 1851 1871 1879 1942
1867 1250