
Here you can check the area codes for your national and international calls of both landline and mobile numbers.

Choose the country you want to call and check the area codes you need. Calls towards these areas will be charged according to the standard rates listed here.
Moreover, you can check whether the mentioned area codes are included in our voice offers. If so, you will enjoy the minutes included in the offer to call those numbers.

Choose a country and check area codes:

Landline Mobile Other
Included: Yes Included: Yes Included: No
38634 38635 38636 38637 38638 38642 38646 38647 38648 38661 38672 38673 38674 38675 38676 38677 38678 38681 38682 38683 38698 3861 3862 3865 38645 38630 38631 38640 38641 38651 38670 3869 38664 38668