
Here you can check the area codes for your national and international calls of both landline and mobile numbers.

Choose the country you want to call and check the area codes you need. Calls towards these areas will be charged according to the standard rates listed here.
Moreover, you can check whether the mentioned area codes are included in our voice offers. If so, you will enjoy the minutes included in the offer to call those numbers.

Choose a country and check area codes:

Landline Mobile Other
Included: Yes Included: Yes Included: No
4480 441 442 4400 445 44770 44771 44773 44774 44775 44778 44779 447415 447410 447416 447419 447411 447412 447413 447414 44749 44772 44776 44780 44781 44782 44783 44784 44785 44786 44787 44788 44789 4474652 4474654 4474656 4474657 4474658 4474659 4474416 4473687 4474527 4474528 4474529 4474586 4474589 443 44744 4475 44790 44791 44792 44793 44794 44795 44796 44797 44798 447990 447999 447106 447107 44740 4474173 4474174 4474175 44742 44743 447450 447453 447454 447455 447456 447459 44746 44747 44748 4474180 4474884 4474885 4474887 4474889 4473 4478228 44777 4475378 4475379 4475374
449 4478 4477 44741 4478925 44330051 44330136 4478745 4475325 4475329 4479 44113459 44115791 44117410 44121409 44151946 44161391 44148152 44153452 44153453 4487 4484 4478931 4478930 4478920 4478921 447829 447465 447978 4474409 4473690 4473900 4473974 447306 4473780 4473896 447 447509 447520 447537 447558 447559 447571 447589 447700 447744 447755 447781 447797 447822 447839 4478644 4478727 4478744 4478922 4478933 4478938 4478939 447911 447924 447406 447408 447439 447441 447488 4474408 4476 4478722 447368 447305 447937 44203710 44208040 44208041 4478730 4478360 4478361 4478369 4474183 443687 4473699 447380 447390