
Here you can check the area codes for your national and international calls of both landline and mobile numbers.

Choose the country you want to call and check the area codes you need. Calls towards these areas will be charged according to the standard rates listed here.
Moreover, you can check whether the mentioned area codes are included in our voice offers. If so, you will enjoy the minutes included in the offer to call those numbers.

Choose a country and check area codes:

Landline Mobile Other
Included: Yes Included: Yes Included: No
5144 5143 5142 5141 5156 5154 5153 5152 5151 5167 5166 5165 5164 5163 5162 5161 5176 5174 5173 5172 5184 5183 5182 511 519 5194 5195 5196 5197 5198 5199 51920 51930 51931 51932 51935 51937 51938 51939
5118 51418 51428 51438 51448 51518 51528 51538 51568 51618 51628 51638 51648 51658 51668 51678 51728 51738 51748 51768 51828 51838 51848 516161 516162 517453 518461