
Here you can check the area codes for your national and international calls of both landline and mobile numbers.

Choose the country you want to call and check the area codes you need. Calls towards these areas will be charged according to the standard rates listed here.
Moreover, you can check whether the mentioned area codes are included in our voice offers. If so, you will enjoy the minutes included in the offer to call those numbers.

Choose a country and check area codes:

Landline Mobile Other
Included: Yes Included: Yes Included: No
3703 3704 3705 3706919 3706917 370699 3706916 3706915 3706914 3706918 3706913 3706910 370690 370689 370685 370681 370669 370666 370661 370660 37065 37064 37063 370667 37066519 370695 370694 370698 370693 370692 37068 370696 37066520 37066518 37066517 37066516 37066514 37066513 37066512 370663 370662 37061 37062 37066515 37066521 37066841 37060 370684 370683 37067 37066840 37066839 3706680 3706686 37066842